Las Ramblas

     Marissa, Brianne, Anna and I had a relaxing afternoon.  We wandered around Las Ramblas but since most shops are closed on Sundays, we looked instead at the small things we normally pass over.  The girls and I bought nice artwork, picked up some postcards and wandered a little flea market at the end of Las Ramblas.  Las Ramblas itself is very tourist-y, but if you know where to look, there are some really incredible finds awaiting you.  

Flea Market at the end of Last Ramblas
     One of the girls found a compass made for the French Navy, with "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost inscribed in the lid.  Little things like that are what make my day: an unexpected, remarkable ray of sunshine that was simply meant to find you.

      Part of Las Ramblas is always lined with some amazing artwork done by truly talented people. There is a large variety of types of artwork available to you for reasonable prices.  I'm always jealous of artists; I wish I was creative and talented like that!  I ended up buying a small painting of a Flamenco dancer with a vibrant blue skirt and fiery red background; the essence of Spain.
     Speaking of artists, my roomie Anna is an incredible artist!  Here are some pictures of her work stolen off Facebook:

She is exceptional!  Every day I learn more about her and I love it!     
     It's strange to think it's only Day 6 and our little group (plus our friend Lauren of course) meshes really well.  I'm very fortunate to have found a group of people that I get along with and enjoy spending time with.  Besos!


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