Hasta luego

     It's 6:30 am. We are seated in the Barcelona airport, waiting to board. We left the apartment at 4:30 this morning. We were mostly packed but we knew it would be a slow start (Bri slept through FIVE alarms). I got home at about midnight and had hoped to be home earlier than that. I spent the night completely wide awake though. I couldn't stop, my mind was racing.
Last sunrise in Barcelona 
Bri kissing Barcelona goodbye
     We had our farewell dinner last night and while nothing significant or crazy happened, it was fun to hang out and have one last meal together with everyone. It was sad saying goodbye to people I have only known for a few short weeks but have grown so close to. My roomie was crying as we said goodbye this morning. Lauren and our friend Nibhay also said goodbye to us this morning as Bri, Marissa and I got in our cab. I didn't expect to feel such intense emotions for people I literally met four weeks ago. And I certainly never expected saying goodbye to this place to be so hard...


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