Why It's Okay That I'm Sad and No, You Don't Need to "Fix" Me

People don't like things that make them feel uncomfortable.  As humans we appreciate things that fit neatly into boxes, tied up with a bow, clearly defined.  Life is a culmination of black, white, grey and every combination in-between.  Sometimes that grey matter is feeling sad, and I am here to tell you that IT'S OKAY.

It's okay to feel sad.  It's okay to feel sad in the same way that it is okay to feel happy about the first sip of coffee in the morning, or relieved when you walk through the front door after a long day, or devastated when a loved one dies.  It's okay to feel sad without a specific reason why, too.

It's important to let yourself feel anything and everything.  At the end of the day, the most important part is how we cope with it.  Allow yourself to feel what you feel, and then acknowledge that this is the way you're feeling.  If there is a reason why you're feeling anxious at work, maybe break the tasks into manageable bites.  If there is a reason why you're feeling sad, like because your dog passed away, stop to take stock of your emotions and smile about the great times you had.

Sometimes you wake up and you don't want to move from your warm, cozy bed.  Sometimes you can't bring yourself to move because it means facing the world and all the stress it presents.  Sometimes you sit on the kitchen floor because you dropped your favorite mug and it smashed into a million pieces.  You know that it's silly that you're crying over a mug.  Whether there is a reason, or no reason, or a silly reason, for why you are feeling the way you are -- it is still VALID.

We feel the way we feel for a million different reasons and due to a thousand different circumstances we deal with in a day.  Everything you feel is okay.  If you feel nothing, that is okay too.  No one needs to "fix" you, because there is nothing wrong with you.  This word implies that you are "broken", but you're not broken.  You are not defeated or defective.  You are human.  It's that simple.

If you're someone who has a loved one who is feeling sad, don't try to solve their problems or give them unsolicited advice.  Hold their hand, give them a hug, remind them that you're proud of them.  Everyone needs something different, and it's okay to ask someone what they need or would like you to do in order to be there for them.

At the end of the day, everyone has emotions and feelings.  No one is ever "always happy" or "always sad".  We feel happy, we feel sad, and we feel everything in-between.  Give yourself a hug and remind yourself that anything you feel is okay.


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