Ovarian Cyst Update

I'm back! Both ovaries are intact, if that's why you're reading this post. My life is still complicated, my health even more so. For now, however, surgery is off the table.

This "urgent" situation I suddenly found myself in regarding a "potentially dangerous" ovarian cyst is nonexistent. It is a typical ovarian cyst, called a dermoid cyst because it contains skin, tissue and some even hold teeth!  Mine is currently 2.5 cm but the obgyn said that she refuses to do surgery until it isn't least 5 because it is much harder to separate the mass from the ovary when the cyst is small. My doc also pointed out that while removing the entire ovary is an option, it's not the best one in case something happens to my only remaining ovary and I end up forced to go through menopause before age 30. These were all valid points and so I am stuck in The Waiting Game... again.

At this point in my life, I get ultrasounds every 6 months for the cyst on my kidney, every 3 months for the tumor growing on my other kidney, and now we have transitioned from every 3 months to every 6 months for my ovarian cysts. While it is expensive and time consuming, not to mention incredibly frustrating, to be poked and prodded (and probed), I remind myself every day that I'm alive and should be grateful.

At this point in my illness(es), I am not pursuing chemo or radiation. I may do immunotherapy at some point but for now I'm on some drugs that should boost my immune system (regardless that a cold took me out of commission last week).

Today is the most Monday of Mondays but I'm still functioning, still chugging along.


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