Mini Adventure: The Largest Zoo in New England
Bobby and I had been seeing ads on television for Southwick Zoo in Mendon, MA for months. In the video, the zoo claims to be "the largest zoo in New England" and Bobby insisted we had to check it out. I had been to the zoo many, many moons ago when I was in middle school; as a girl scout volunteer helping clean and maintain the zoo, I was unimpressed by the small, rustic zoo. I didn't have very high expectations but Bobby and I love animals, so I figured we could give it a fair chance. The zoo was offering a buy-one, get-one ticket deal this particular Sunday, which I strategically planned for us to attend. It was a great deal for us, and I can imagine it would be fiscally exceptional for a large family. I highly recommend you check out your local zoos' websites for similar deals, or see if your local library has tickets for free! We arrived prior to the zoo opening; we prefer to get up early and grab breakfast on our way to our adventure. ...